I'm a person who loves to make things happen. I produce and manage creative events.
In 2024 I worked with The Work Room in partnership with Creative Scotland, project managing the Dance from Scotland presence at internationale tanzmesse nrw 2024 in Dusseldorf.
In 2022, I produced The Work Room's STRE-TCH Scotland: Creative Lab. This was a professional development intensive for artists with an established community dance practice. It was hosted and organised by The Work Room on behalf of the Keðja network of European dance organisations.
In 2020, I worked with Renfrewshire Council's events team as creative producer and programmer for Sma' Shot Day, this event pivoted to an online festival in response to the Covid restrictions/lockdowns.
In 2017, I undertook a Federation of Scottish Theatre producer placement with Tramway and The Work Room, working on Dance International Glasgow and led on the festival’s engagement and artist development program. I was also an assistant producer for performance events. ​
In 2016, I worked as an assistant producer on Indepen-dance's International Festival of Inclusive Dance, Gathered Together. I also fundraised for and project managed artist bursaries to attend the festival through Waterbaby arts.
In 2014, I coordinated a Scottish tour and engagement programme for Epic Encounters Dance Company (Epic Arts, Cambodia).​
In 2013, I received a career development mentorship through Dance UK (now One Dance UK), which inspired my transition into management and producing.
I have a BA Honours in Dance and an HND in Professional Stage Dance from Edinburgh's Telford College (2002-2005). I also participated in European Festivals Association’s Festival Academy Atelier for Young Festival Managers in Merano, Italy in Autumn 2017, for which I was supported by Creative Scotland.